2001 Annual Meeting in Atlanta – Program and Photos

Here’s what you missed if you couldn’t make it to the annual meeting this year at Fernbank Museum of Natural History in Atlanta.

Southern Lepidopterists’ Society

23rd Annual Meeting September 22 & 23, 2001

Fernbank Museum of Natural History
Atlanta, Georgia

Final instar larva of Euclea obliqua

Meeting Agenda

Saturday, September 22
10:00 – 10:30a.m. Fernbank Museum open for viewing and registration.
10:30 – 10:45 a.m. Welcome and opening remarks. Bill Russell.
10:45 – 11:15 a.m. How to Survive in a Predator-eats-Larva World. James K. Adams
11:15 – 11:45 a.m. Building the SoLepSoc Web Site. David Morgan
11:45 – 2:15 pm. Lunch in Museum cafeteria. IMAX shows are at 12:00 (Ocean Oasis) or 1:00 pm (Journey into Amazing Caves)
2:15 – 2:45 p.m. Raising Speyeria diana (Diana Fritillary). Bill Russell and Kathleen Casses
2:45 – 3:15 p.m. Business meeting and election of officers.
3:15 – 3:45 p.m. Abbot Award presentation and break for group picture.
3:45 – 4:15 p.m. What’s in a pitcher, or have you flipped your lid? Jeffrey Slotten.
4:15 – 4:45 p.m. Some Butterflies of South Florida. Leroy Koehn.
4:45 – 5:00 p.m. Concluding remarks.
5:00 p.m. Adjourn. (Final showing of IMAX film Amazing Caves)
6:30 – 8:00 p.m. Dinner (at your convenience or as a group).
8:30 – 10:30 p.m. Open house/slide fest at Bill Russell’s house and/or mothing at nearby locations.

Sunday, September 23:
Field Trip(s) to nearby locations for observation and/or collection.

2001 Abbot Award Recipient
Leroy C. Koehn

The Abbot Award is presented each year to an individual who has demonstrated escellenct service to the Southern Lepidopterists’ Society and/or is recognized for outstanding towards our understanding of the Lepidoptera of the south(east)ern United States.

Leroy Koehn is a charter member of the Southern Lepidopterist’s Society and was instrumental in its formation in 1978. For the last 23 years, Leroy has been a tireless supporter, organizer, and advocate of the Society. He has served in many capacities including the Newsletter editor from 1996 to 2001. It is hoped that the memorable times on his many field trips will be remembered and his jokes will be forgotten. His dedication, enthusiasm, friendship, and generosity are greatly appreciated. Leroy has recently relocated to Kentucky and we thank him for his many contributions.

The Fernbank IMAX Shows

Ocean Oasis (10am, 12 noon, 2 pm, 4 pm)
Experience the unbreakable bonds between a parched land, a rich sea and the plants and animals that thrive within it, as you travel to Baja California in Ocean Oasis. Take a journey of stunning scientific discovery to uncover why a long spine of rock and desert, where plants store limited supplies of water for years, resides near a teeming sea of life that provides an oasis of nourishment and shelter. You’ll discover how the shape of the land and the dryness of the desert make the sea of Baja one of the most beautiful bodies of water in the world. Swim with the huge schools of mysids as they flow around gorgonia, and follow the jellyfish, jacks and tuna as they flourish beneath a rich sea.

Journey into Amazing Caves (11am, 1 pm, 3 pm, 5 pm)
Take a journey through the caves within the walls of the Grand Canyon, the glaciers of Greenland and beneath the rainforests of Mexico’s Mayan jungle. Follow scientists as they study how caves are formed and research the microorganisms that live within an unmapped area of the continent’s deepest known cave in this physically, emotionally and intellectually challenging adventure. Explore a mile beneath the earth’s surface with the crew as they rappel down sheer cliff faces; raft underground rivers; and crawl, wriggle and squeeze through tiny passages to reach an unexplored cave chamber

Southern Lepidopterists’ Society

Organized to Promote Scientific Interest and Knowledge Related to Understanding the Lepidoptera of the Southern United States

2001 Executive Board
Chairman: William (Bill) Russell, Atlanta, GA
Newsletter Editor: J. Barry Lombardini, Lubbock, TX
Treasurer: Jeff Slotten, Gainesville, FL
Secretary: William (Bill) Russell, Atlanta, GA
Membership Coordinator: Paul Milner, Pisgah Forest, NC
Member-at-Large: Marc Minno, Gainesville, FL

2001 State Coordinators
Alabama: C. Howard Grisham, Huntsville, AL
Arkansas: Mack Shotts, Paragould, AR
Florida: Robert Beiriger, West Palm Beach, FL
Georgia: James K. Adams, Calhoun, GA
Louisiana: Mike Lockwood, Houma, LA
Mississippi: Rick Patterson, Vicksburg, MS
North Carolina: Steve Hall, Raleigh, NC
South Carolina: Ron Gatrelle, Goose Creek, SC
Tennessee: John Hyatt, Kingsport, TN
Texas: Ed Knudson, Houston, TX
Virginia: Harry Pavulaan, Herndon, VA

Meeting Photos



Fernbank Museum

Speyeria diana (gynandromorph)

Group photo

Examining specimens

UFO photos


Abbot Award